Physiotherapy in Leicester

We at Leicester MediSpa understand the importance of your health, fitness and overall wellbeing.
Regardless of your age, lifestyle, sports/personal goals, we are dedicated to helping you with rehabilitation and exercise, providing guidance to help you reduce pain whilst becoming fitter and happier. We offer a range of treatment modalities to our patients, helping them to achieve the greatest quality of life and achieve their maximum physical and emotional potential.

What does Physiotherapy involve?

Physiotherapy treatments consists of a range of modalities, which are dependent on the condition/s with which you present. The most common modalities include: –

• Muscle strengthening
• Balance and Coordination retraining
• Advice and education
• Manual therapy
• Gait re-education
• Tailored home exercise programmes

These modalities are broken down into 3 types of Physiotherapy: –

Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy – This involves treating a variety of conditions, whether it is acute pain from a recent injury or operation, or chronic pain that has gradually increased over several months.

Neurological Physiotherapy – This involves enhancing the quality of life of those affected by neurological conditions. Based on the diagnosis, the purpose of Physiotherapy will vary, whether it is rehabilitating to return to a client’s previous level of function or minimising the impact of secondary issues.

Elderly / General Rehabilitation – This form of Physiotherapy is most suited to patients who have reduced ability to carry out functional day-to-day tasks and/or reduced mobility. Whether due to the results of a lengthy hospital stay, a gradual deterioration of mobility or suffering with long COVID, our Physiotherapist will aim to improve strength, balance, coordination and as a result, help to regain function.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I suitable for Physiotherapy with Jayna Radia at Leicester MediSpa?

Before any treatment plan can be developed, we will ask that you attend an initial thorough assessment here at Leicester MediSpa, where your medical history, current abilities and goals will be identified between you and your Physiotherapist. This initial consultation will allow you to discuss the steps required in depth to commence rehabilitation and restore your maximum potential for physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

How long is a Physiotherapy appointment?

The initial consultation usually requires 45 minutes, and a follow up appointment takes 30 minutes.

Leicester Medispa

Leicester MediSpa, 19 The Parade, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5BB

Tuesday 10:30am - 7pm
Wednesday10:30am - 7pm
Thursday10:30am - 7pm
Friday10:30am - 7pm
Saturday10:40am - 6pm

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Leicester Medispa

Leicester MediSpa
19 The Parade

Tel: 0116 303 2555

Opening times
Tuesday 10:30am - 7pm
Wednesday10:30am - 7pm
Thursday10:30am - 7pm
Friday10:30am - 7pm
Saturday10:40am - 6pm
Tuesday 10:30am - 7pm
Wednesday10:30am - 7pm
Thursday10:30am - 7pm
Friday10:30am - 7pm
Saturday10:40am - 6pm

© 2025 Leicester Medispa | Website by the Web Marketing Clinic