At Leicester MediSpa, we understand the impact of inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis on your overall well-being. These conditions can cause discomfort, redness, dryness, and unsightly irritable flare-ups that affect the texture and appearance of your skin. Whether it’s eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, which causes dry, itchy patches, or psoriasis, an autoimmune condition that leads to the rapid buildup of skin cells and scaly patches, managing these conditions effectively is crucial for improving both your skin health and quality of life.
Inflammation is the body’s natural defence mechanism in response to injury, infection, or irritation, and can be triggered by various factors such as external irritants, allergens, autoimmune disorders, underlying medical conditions, and inflammatory skin conditions and infections. When inflammation occurs in the skin, it can lead to a variety of symptoms, including redness, swelling, itching, and discomfort.
The Dermalux Tri-Wave MD is a medically certified device renowned for its efficacy in treating inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis and wound healing. Utilising near-infrared (NIR) and red light wavelengths, it delivers targeted therapeutic benefits by promoting cellular repair and reducing inflammation. Red light enhances collagen production and accelerates tissue regeneration, making it ideal for calming irritation and supporting the healing process. Meanwhile, NIR penetrates deeper layers of the skin, improving circulation, reducing pain, and aiding in the resolution of chronic inflammation. Together, these wavelengths create a synergistic effect, offering a safe, non-invasive solution for restoring skin health and alleviating symptoms of inflammatory conditions.
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Medical-grade skincare offers a highly effective approach to managing inflammatory skin conditions by combining scientifically formulated ingredients with clinical potency. These products are designed to soothe symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions and repair the skin barrier. By maintaining the skin’s natural moisture balance, these products aim to prevent dryness, reduce inflammation, and restore resilience. Active ingredients strengthen the skin barrier, and neutralise free radicals, while retinoids and alpha-hydroxy acids can promote cell turnover. When used consistently under professional guidance, they can significantly improve symptoms, enhance skin resilience, and restore overall skin health.
Microneedling with exosomes is an innovative treatment available at Leicester MediSpa, specifically designed to harness the regenerative and anti-inflammatory benefits, tailored to address inflammatory skin conditions based on their severity. Our approach begins with a comprehensive skin analysis to assess suitability and develop a personalised treatment plan.
Whole-body cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely low temperatures (approx. -85°C) for a short duration of 3 minutes, triggering a physiological response that promotes healing and reduces inflammation. During the process, blood vessels constrict, redirecting blood flow to vital organs, where it is enriched with oxygen and nutrients. As the body rewarms, this nutrient-dense blood is recirculated, reducing inflammation and promoting cellular repair. This mechanism helps alleviate symptoms of inflammatory skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, by calming irritated skin, reducing redness, and supporting the regeneration of a healthier skin barrier.
Additionally, studies have shown that whole-body cryotherapy offers antipruritic benefits, helping to relieve itching, and analgesic effects, which help reduce pain and discomfort. These combined benefits make whole-body cryotherapy a natural, non-invasive approach to improving skin health and enhancing overall well-being.
Infrared sauna therapy can provide significant relief for individuals suffering from inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema, which are driven by both inflammatory and autoimmune components. These conditions are not localised and affect multiple systems within the body, making holistic approaches particularly beneficial. Infrared saunas can help by fighting inflammation, reducing stress, and improving overall skin health. This therapy has been shown to reduce the severity of skin lesions by lowering pro-inflammatory chemicals in the blood, stimulating the shedding of overgrown skin cells, and providing visible improvement in the plaque lesions, along with physical relief from inflammation and irritation.