Skin Tags

Skin Tags

Skin tags (acrochordons) are small, harmless growths that can appear anywhere on the face or body, often in skin folds or areas where the skin frequently rubs, such as the armpits, neck, groin, or eyelids.

They are usually brown, flesh-colored, or may take on a pinkish hue, often matching the tone of your skin. In some cases, skin tags can appear red if irritated by friction or damage, such as being scratched, caught on clothing or jewelry, or grazed while shaving or brushing hair. Many skin tags dangle from a small ‘stalk,’ though some are firmly attached to the skin. They are very common, harmless and often just a few millimetres in size. They do not usually cause any pain or discomfort. Although they do not pose any medical risks, many people choose to remove them due to their perceived unsightly appearance, discomfort when caught or damaged, or if they obstruct vision, particularly when located on the eyelids.

Treatment Options

Hyfrecator Treatment

A hyfrecator is a device that utilises low-powered, high-frequency electrical current to quickly and effectively remove skin tags and other skin lesions. This technology has been used for decades and is considered extremely safe. During a skin tag removal treatment, the hyfrecator probe emits an alternating current. The current heats the small area of skin which has been selected for treatment, to a temperature that destroys the tissue almost instantly. The hyfrecator’s precision enables a swift removal of skin tags, with minimal damage to the surrounding skin tissues, simultaneously removing skin tags by separating them from the surrounding skin whilst cauterising the area minimising any bleeding. The hyfrecator can be performed in an outpatient setting and is considered one of the safest and most efficient treatments, for the permanent removal of skin tags.

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Leicester Medispa

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