Skin Tag Removal at Leicester Medispa

What are skin tags?

Skin tags (acrochordons) are harmless growths that can appear anywhere on the face or the body. They commonly develop on areas such as the underarms, the neck or on the eyelids. Skin tags can take on a similar tone to that of your own skin, or may appear brown, tan or pink. If irritated by friction or being grazed or damaged, skin tags can take on a red appearance. Many skin tags can be seen dangling from a ‘stalk’ whilst some others are firmly fixed to the skin. Although skin tags pose no medical risks, many people wish to remove them, due to their perceived unsightly appearance, discomfort if caught and damaged or if they obstruct the vision (if located on the eyelids).

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What is a hyfrecator?

A hyfrecator is a device that utilises low-powered, high-frequency electrical current to quickly and effectively remove skin tags and other skin lesions. This technology has been used for decades and is considered extremely safe. During a skin tag removal treatment, the hyfrecator probe emits an alternating current. The current heats the small area of skin which has been selected for treatment, to a temperature that destroys the tissue almost instantly. The hyfrecator’s precision enables a swift removal of skin tags, with minimal damage to the surrounding skin tissues, simultaneously removing skin tags by separating them from the surrounding skin whilst cauterising the area minimising any bleeding. The hyfrecator can be performed in an outpatient setting and is considered one of the safest and most efficient treatments, for the permanent removal of skin tags.

Am I suitable for skin tag removal at Leicester Medispa?

Before we agree to treat your skin tags, we will ask that you have them checked, and the treatment cleared by your GP. Once it is confirmed that your skin tags are benign, our nurse prescriber, previously an NHS dermatology Clinical Nurse Specialist, can proceed with the treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Does a treatment with the hyfrecator hurt?

No, we inject local anaesthetic. You may feel discomfort or tugging, but you should not feel pain.

What aftercare is involved?

After your skin tag removal treatment, the treated area will most likely form a light scab over the top, to protect the healing skin. This can take one to two weeks to disappear. You may also see some scabbing around the area, which you must avoid rubbing, scratching or picking. Once the skin has healed, it may appear paler than the surrounding skin.
Aftercare information will be provided and a follow up appointment for review of the treatment.

Is the treatment permanent?

Once your skin tags have been removed by the hyfrecator, they should not grow back. However, if you are someone prone to skin tags new skin tags may develop in other areas over time.


Little to no downtime, you can return to work same day. In some cases, redness, tenderness and mild swelling may occur, but these effects are temporary.

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Consultations are available in-clinic or online.

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